Promoting Catholic life at St Wulstan’s Catholic Primary School

The brief: To transform the school entrance, reception and corridor to reflect the schools Catholic faith and values.

The process: Two Thirds Design were invited to St Wulstan’s Catholic Primary School to produce concepts and designs, which promote their Catholic life. So we developed icons to illustrate their values of Love, Work and Share, created an image of their saint within an allegorical scene and used some of our virtue word pairing plaques in their reception space.

The end result: An install that reflects the schools Catholic life, welcomes visitors to school and teaches the pupils about their school saint. The contra-vision on the entrance windows affords much needed privacy for office staff, as well as informing visitors of the schools values.

Specialist Design Services for Nurseries, Primary, Secondary, PRUs, Special and Faith Schools as well as Independent Academies.

About Us

Two Thirds Design is a team of creative individuals whose passion is to design and create imaginative educational environments that support and promote learning.

0121 233 2057


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    Registered Company in England & Wales: 5884244 Two Thirds Design Limited
    Registered Address: Curdworth House, Kingsbury Road, Curdworth, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B76 9EE